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Stéphane is a Racing Arabian Trainer; he successfully completed the British Trainer’s Course in 2009.

A graduate of agricultural school with a background in showjumping, Stéphane completed his jockey apprenticeship in France. After a short stint in arab racing he moved to Dubai; he was a valuable Godolphin employee for many years.

Stephane’s first job was with Arabians when he came to the UK from his native France.

He then worked with Arabian horses in Dubai and UAE before coming to Newmarket as a work rider for the Godolphin thoroughbred operation.

“A recent visit to Abu Dhabi identified the need for more Arabian racing trainers in the UK and this is a really exciting move for me,” he said. “I am looking forward to combining my years of experience with both Arabians and thoroughbreds for the best results.
“Arabian horses are a little different. The purebred Arabian is an independent creature, an opinionated horse, and it needs a different approach.

“Arabian stallions like the Darley Arabian, Godolphin Arab and Byerley Turk were the basis for our modern thoroughbred, so an upsurge in Arabian racing in this country brings the story of the racehorse full circle.”

The UK Authority for the sport is the Arabian Racing Organisation and their Racing Manager Amanda Smith commented: “I am delighted to welcome Stephane to Arabian Racing in the UK. He is perfectly situated in Newmarket, the home of British Racing and I am sure he will be a successful addition to the trainer’s ranks. I look forward to seeing his results on the track.”
the Arabian trainer Stephane

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