IGL’s training operation has moved to a custom built example of what a racing yard should be, surrounded by some of the best racehorse training facilities in the world.
From Ilka and Stéphane’s apartment above the yard they can look out on 32 splendidly built boxes arranged on three sides of a square. It means there is 24/7 supervision of every horse in their care.
The yard gives direct access to the extensive Hamilton Road gallops, within sight of Newmarket’s world class Rowley Mile and July racecourses set amidst more than 50 miles of grass and all-weather gallops.
One particular well was an ancient water source which became Christianised into St. Wendred’s well because of the restorative power of the water used for walking horses into, it’s a fitting link with Ilka’s veterinary skills and natural horsemanship.