Guest post by: Dr. Cath Dunnett of Independent Equine Nutrition (IEN).
There are intrinsic contamination risks associated with horse feed and supplements which have in recent years been responsible for a series of post-race positives. Contamination of feed principally occurs due to the accidental introduction of an ingredient containing a naturally occurring prohibited substance. There are many stages in feed production and accidental contamination could happen at several stages, for example, contamination with weeds containing prohibited substances during the growth of cereal or other ingredients. Inadvertent contamination could also occur during harvest through the sharing of equipment or storage, or during cross-contamination during shipping or transport to the mill. There is potentially an increased risk of such contamination as a larger number of ingredients are sourced from across the globe and feed and supplement production becomes a worldwide operation.
Naturally Active Compounds
The feed industry takes the risk of contamination incredibly seriously and strategies have been implemented to reduce contamination risks from ingredients both produced at home and imported. Broadly the feed industry has a very good knowledge where the risks for contamination with prohibited substances lie, however, these can be complicated when additives such as herbs, spices, or plant extracts are used in feed or supplements. Here there are two key considerations – firstly, many plants naturally contain pharmacologically active compounds that could be considered as prohibited substances. Secondly, the country of origin may lack sufficiently thorough quality control systems.
The post-race positives due to morphine contamination of feed were reportedly due to poppy seed contamination of one or more ingredients. It may be a surprise to many that morphine-containing poppies had until recently been harvested in various locations around the UK, under a specific license and strict control and management, for the production of pharmaceuticals. A greater amount of morphine is found within the poppy seed head, whereas the seeds themselves contain only a very low level of morphine. It’s worth mentioning that the commonly seen red field poppies do not present a notable contamination risk, as they contain very low levels of morphine, if any at all.
Interestingly, in human food production, fragments of poppy seeds and heads do infiltrate the food chain. Yet, the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) does not list morphine as an undesirable substance and there remains no minimum legal limit for morphine in human food.
Significant Physiological Levels In Racehorses
Whilst the potential for low residual levels of morphine in the food chain may be physiologically inconsequential to humans, it remains extremely problematic to trainers. Morphine is a significant analgesic and therefore must be regulated in a way that prevents its potential for abuse. Investigations into contamination might successfully conclude that any post-race positive test was as a result of feed contamination, however, it remains the case, that the horse has raced with a level of the ‘drug’ in its system.
Prohibited substance testing is incredibly accurate and a positive post-race result will be returned on minute levels. Whilst regulatory bodies over the world may choose to take a pragmatic view, nevertheless, there is no ‘official’ threshold for morphine in post-race samples in racehorses, therefore, a line must be drawn. For welfare reasons, there is no scientific evidence to allow us to determine an acceptable level where no physiological effect is confirmed.
Scheme Accreditation
The UK feed industry developed a quality assurance code as a risk management measure to reduce the risk of prohibited substances entering equine feed and to safeguard the interests of consumers and feed producers and suppliers.
The aim of any such quality assurance scheme is to understand where the risks lie within each part of the supply chain and then how to mitigate those risks. Here are a few areas where such a scheme can assist:
- Ensuring a long-term relationship with suppliers.
- Using an appropriately accredited manufacturing facility.
- Ensuring that everyone involved in the supply and manufacturing chain, including, farmers, harvest contractors, processors, hauliers, storage suppliers, trainers and stable staff understand the importance and the risks posed by prohibited substances and the consequences of minute levels of contamination.
- Encouraging collaboration between different manufacturers, so that concerns regarding ingredients or products, can be shared following analysis.
- Ensuring that marketing claims regarding prohibited substances are factual and not misleading.
Accredited companies are likely to be audited annually, to ensure their compliance with the scheme and that robust quality control systems remain in place to reduce the risk of contamination by prohibited substances.
Gathering Information
In addition to the efforts made by the equine feed industry, trainers themselves have a responsibility to understand the contamination risks and actively manage them. After all, it’s the trainer’s reputation and livelihood that is at stake. Trainers may receive some advice on this from their regulatory bodies and in the UK whilst attending the BHA trainer licensing course and any NTF seminars on the subject.
So far as is possible, trainers must be totally aware of the constituent parts of everything that is fed to their horses. This information is readily available, as it’s a legal requirement for companies to provide such details on the packaging.
Trainers would also be advised to enquire about the quality control systems that their manufacturer has in place to reduce the risk of contamination with prohibited substances. This could involve comprehensive risk assessments, raw material traceability and testing of both the ingredients and the finished product in some cases. Regardless of the size of the business, or their supply structure, all companies should have a robust system of traceability and quality control. For instance, my own company Racing Blue, follow a thorough quality control program in the manufacture of STORM ® Equus that includes every batch of each raw material and finished product being tested for a wide range of prohibited substances prior to release for sale.
Where a trainer uses a product manufactured abroad, sufficient questions of the importer/marketer should be asked, to ensure their processes match those in the home country. For instance, certain substances that are allowable in agricultural feed production in other countries, may be regarded a prohibited under the Rules of Racing in the home country.
Daily Management Procedures
It’s advisable for trainers to implement additional feed procedures in the yard, such as maintaining a comprehensive list of feedstuffs given to individual horses. This proves extremely useful should a post-race sample return as positive. Further to this, keeping an accurate record of delivery dates, batch numbers and invoices, as well as retaining a copy of all associated delivery notes and other paperwork, provides further evidence, if needed, to establish the route of contamination. Better still, retaining samples of each batch of feed and supplement for about 3 months is an excellent process to implement, as this is the period of time over which a post-race positive is possible and the consequent regulatory process will last. Representative samples of feed (500g) and a supplement (100g) should be stored in a sealed plastic bag and labelled with the product name, batch code and purchase date. Should an investigation be necessary, the record keeping along with the feed samples will provide vital evidence. Feed or supplement manufacturers should also retain samples for re-examination if a problem arises, however, it’s a sensible precaution for trainers to do the same.
Quality control processes and accreditation schemes have brought considerable benefit to the racing industry, however, historical positive cases with morphine and other substances demonstrate that accidental contamination can still happen, and there are always further improvements that can be made. Equally however, trainers have a pivotal role and must ensure they keep informed and up to date, so that they’re able to make the best possible feeding and feed management choices.
You can find out more about feed analysis on the IEN website.

All businesses want a unique selling point (USP). However, with around 400 licensed flat trainers in the UK and as with market competition in any industry – finding, retaining or even explaining a USP can be tough!
IGL Racing has an immediate USP – that I’m the only female trainer that’s also a qualified vet in the UK. Horses under my training and subsequently their owners, benefit from having a vet on site 24/7. Through my veterinary experience, I’ve developed an advanced knowledge and awareness of soundness and wellbeing; which means I can often prevent an injury by spotting a potential problem in the early stages. This has obvious immediate benefits to the welfare of the horse, along with benefits to the owner both financially in reduced vets bills and in terms of their enjoyment; as their horse stays fit and well and able to race more regularly.
Having an obvious USP is quite rare in today’s competitive marketplace; yet being unique is about more than just one statement of fact – it goes beyond that. We’ve all taken a unique course and have grown through a unique set of experiences to get to who we are and where we are today. Uniqueness as a racehorse trainer is really about the combination of your skills, knowledge and experience and how this distils down into your approach to training.
Here are 6 points that I believe combine to make IGL Racing unique…
#1 Innovation
In both training and business, I believe in marginal gains, taking every opportunity, evolving and innovating. I’m driven to think differently, cover all the bases and experiment with new methods. The marginal gains approach looks at making constant improvements, however small, across every element of training. It’s often the little things that make a big difference with racehorses, particularly to how they feel within themselves, for example, some fresh grass or a bit of freedom in the paddock. We look at every element of training, nutrition, stabling, equipment, air quality, transportation and more!
#2 Ambition
OK, so having ambition is not unique, particularly in racing! However, I have big ambitions and from my early days as an apprentice jockey in Germany, my aim was always to become a trainer. Over the years, I’ve purposefully gained a wide range of experiences, knowledge and qualifications, including working as a vet and learning natural horsemanship, in order to develop a deep understanding of the horse and provide a solid foundation as a trainer.
My mission now is to train winners. The horses I have in training at the moment are a solid start to this ambition. I have the capacity at Saint Wendred’s and look forward to growing the number of horses in training and gaining momentum on the racecourse with an increase in runners.
#3 Excellence
Racing itself is the pursuit of excellence. The thoroughbred racehorse is a result of centuries of breeding and can be thought of as the ultimate pursuit of excellence. I have always striven for excellence, for both myself and my training operation. I’m determined to continue going that extra mile in the pursuit of excellence.
#4 Approach
My training approach combines both tradition and innovation, veterinary science and natural horsemanship. I incorporate diagnostics and scientific measurements to support my horsemanship knowledge and of course am always on-hand with veterinary knowledge when needed. The horses benefit from this, as it ensures they are monitored at every possible point. Here’s just some of the science supporting my training… cryotherapy, pulsmagnetic therapy, GPS, nutritional supplements, hay steamer and the new ComfortStall rubber matting system.
#5 Welfare
Saint Wendred’s is a bespoke, purpose-built yard, with excellent training facilities in Newmarket. It allows me to fulfil my first and foremost priority – the horse’s welfare. I’m dedicated to the wellbeing of the horses in my training and make sure each one is cared for and trained as an individual, with a routine tailored to them. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach here. I think it’s really important that they get time to “be a horse” and so make sure they have time in the paddock whenever possible. I’ve even been known to hand-pick and deliver grass to the stable door!
#6 Communication
Training isn’t just about the horses, it’s a business venture that relies on relationships both horses and humans! Our relationship with owners and potential owners is pivotal to success and owner experience is of paramount importance to us. We’re a small, dedicated team and we welcome owners wholeheartedly and look forward to them quickly become part of our team. We do our utmost to offer the personal touch and place great importance on communication to ensure our owners are fully involved and up to date with their horse’s development, training and racing career.
Find Out More…
If you’d like to find out more about IGL Racing, or how to become a racehorse owner, feel free to contact me today, I’d be more than happy to have a chat. Meanwhile, I’ve composed a comprehensive guide on becoming a racehorse owner which is available for download below…just click on the image and enter your name and email address and I’ll send it straight to your inbox.

Racing is a dynamic sport and a vibrant industry and there can be a lot to get to grips with, ranging from equine knowledge, to an understanding of the sport itself, and commercial opportunities and connections. So if, like many people, you’re dreaming of owning a racehorse or even a string of racehorses, there are a few important considerations and decisions to work through as you get underway and take your first steps towards ownership.
Average Costs
Firstly, you need to understand the average costs of keeping a racehorse in training, so that you don’t have any surprises and you can make ownership decisions in accordance with your financial situation.
An ROA survey of ownership costs in 2015 found that the annual average cost of a Flat horse in training was £22,595. This included costs, such as, training fees, gallops, farrier, transport, vets, entries, jockeys and registration fees.
Ownership Type
With these average costs in mind, you need to consider the type of ownership that’s most suitable to your financial circumstances and the ownership experience you’re seeking. There are a number of different ownership options available, where you either own as an individual, company or group. Each type of ownership is different in numerous ways and here’s a quick run-down of the main options…
Sole Ownership
This is where you purchase and own a horse outright and are responsible for the associated administration. You’re also liable for all the costs and will receive all of the owner’s share of prize-money.
Company Ownership
Registering your company as an owner allows you to take advantage of unique branding opportunities – your silks can match your brand colours and you can sponsor your horse, so that your logo is displayed on your silks. With company ownership you purchase your horse, retain full ownership, your company is responsible for all the costs and receives all of the owner’s share of prize-money.
Group Ownership
As a co-owner you’ll share your horse with a group of like-minded people whilst significantly reducing the expenses associated with ownership, as all costs are divided amongst the owners. There are three main types of group ownership…
#1 Partnership
All partners are registered owners with the BHA and have a percentage share of the horse. On sale of the horse, you’d receive proceeds equivalent to your percentage share. You’re responsible for your percentage of the costs and will receive your percentage of the owner’s prize-money.
#2 Syndicate
Shared ownership where only the syndicate manager needs to be a registered owner with the BHA. They also handle all the administration. Check each agreement for details, such as:
- Who owns the horse (and receives any proceeds of sale).
- How prize-money is distributed, who to and when.
- The length of the agreement.
#3 Racing Club
Run by racing managers, clubs are monthly or annual subscriptions offering shared ownership. These are different to partnerships and syndicates in that the club itself owns the horse, not the members and therefore the club managers receive any proceeds from the sale of the horse. There are often many members, sometimes hundreds, if not thousands. You may get a proportion of the prize-money, but do not expect it to cover your costs.
Make sure you check the details in each agreement for group ownership as they do vary.
Your Trainer
Your choice of trainer is pivotal. They can make the whole experience for you. If you’re new to horseracing you’ll need the support and guidance of your trainer on certain matters throughout the whole experience. So you need someone you can go to, who’s got time for you and who’s happy to help.
Communication is essential. Beyond the day-to-day training of your horse, which is of course the central role of a trainer, their communications to you are paramount to your enjoyment and to making you feel a valued part of the team. If you try and find someone you personally like, you’ll naturally appreciate their communication style.
Further to communication style, you need to consider any other attributes you’d like in a trainer…are you looking for someone innovative? Maybe, someone with varied experience and depth of equine and racing knowledge? Perhaps, someone with a particularly strong equine welfare focus? Most trainers have a website which enable you to get a very clear idea of this kind of information in order to create a short list. After which, the best way to get your questions answered and to get a feel for whether you like them (or not!), is to get in touch and arrange to have a chat.
Your Horse
When joining a partnership or syndicate, the trainer and horse often come as a package. As your trainer will already have a selection of horses with shares available and you can choose the one that appeals to you the most.
As a sole owner you may already have a horse, or you might like to go to the sales with your trainer and experience the unprecedented thrill of purchasing your horse at auction. Your trainer would be more than happy to attend with you, view horses and offer their wealth of advice and knowledge on how the whole process works, the attributes of each horse, and help you make the right decision, at the right price.
Administration of Your Ownership
There’s a quite a bit of administration involved in ownership and if you’re new to racing it can take some time to work through. To give you an idea of the basic admin involved, you need to – register as an owner, register your colours, set-up your racing account, name your horse (if not already named) and register an authority to act. You should also – register sponsorship and register to reclaim VAT.
Therefore, it’s worth considering the extent to which you’d like to be involved in the administration side of ownership. By opting for a partnership, syndicate or racing club, you can avoid the majority of the administration as it’s handled by the trainer or manager, removing the hassle and freeing you up to enjoy your ownership that much more.
Get In Touch
Here at Gansera-Lévêque Racing your experience of racehorse ownership is central to us. We offer both sole and group ownership options to allow you the most freedom possible in choosing the best ownership option for you. We do our utmost to offer the personal touch, ensuring each owner is fully involved and up to date with their horse’s development, training and racing career.
If you have any questions at all on racehorse ownership or would like to discuss how to go about becoming an owner, please feel free to contact me – I’d be more than happy to talk it through. Alternatively, you can find out more by downloading my ‘Guide to Becoming a Racehorse Owner’ below…